Monday, January 14, 2013

Food, Glorious Food

     We were visiting North Carolina and had crossed the border to South Carolina because the house that we were staying in was along side the beach. It was raining so we decided to go to a movie in south Carolina. We were right next to the boarder so it wasn't that far of a drive. We decided  to go to dinner before the movie so we went to Pizza Hut. I guess we were lucky because a buffet was about to start. But we got their just in time for the crazies to start literally, SWARMING in the parking lot. Tens of people started crowding through the thin double doors. We got to the line first, by miracle , after being pushed, and shoved by the crazy people trying to get to the food first. their were people waiting around for thirty minutes for the second serving to come around.

   The most pleasant time I've had at a  was Ihop when I ordered hash browns and a burrito. I guess the weirdest i guess was when a foreign man asked me where New York was.
Click HERE to view the Pizza Hut website

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